4 Ppl: "The Works" (2hrs/$175 ea person)
Meet Many Angels & Guides plus expand your intuitive skills.
Service Description
This 2-hour GROUP session is for 4 people via Zoom for $700 total ($175 each). Organize your own group of 4 people, which means your group must show up on that day on time. There are NO REFUNDS for this specific service. To repeat, these are 3 people you know because you carefully chose the 3 other people to do this service with you as a foursome. This service offers the most value since this is a group of 4 people on Zoom together for 2 hours. It's only for the very confident and bold. Often times, people can do stuff jointly! Warm up exercises (e.g., smell sage, see auras on your hands, etc.). Then meet Angels and other loving figures to get answers for your life, career or business needs. All direct! And this is fun to do!! Chat with Angels, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Jesus, Mary, Plato, etc. There are 100+ Angels available plus many loving figures listed on the website's main page. Meet your Guardian Angel & a passed-over loved one (time permitting). Michael will make as many introductions as possible so this session rocks. You only have to let go to Allow for this. How does this all happen? Connect with the Universe with no barriers. Allow, Ask & Receive. Easy! In this session, you may also close your eyes to visit with Angels in a new way. This is a chance to travel within and be guided by Angels, as if in a sitting meditation. Angels do everything. Visit Hawaii to go surfing with Angels and your friends (eyes closed). You just know how to surf like a pro. See each other surfing the waves! Enjoy a ceremonial luau together afterwards. This happened at Omega Institute during Michael's 3-day event in 2022 for 3 people sitting together. And this happened for 2 show co-hosts on a 3-way Zoom call. One on the West coast. The other on the East coast! Talk to Michael about this. It's his favorite part of the service to offer (again, time permitting). 100's have already surfed in gorgeous settings. Grow your confidence and expand your Awareness plus listening/ sensing skills. Check out the written & video testimonials for encouragement and flavor. Also, read "Listening to Angels" ($7.99 at Amazon). Questions? Email Michael before booking this particular session.
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