Michael's ultimate mission is to help people meet Angels,
other unconditional love guides, and their own Angels,
plus, through the highest of intentions,
assist people in understanding and embracing
Unconditional Love and Compassion for All.
Michael André Ford is not aligned or affiliated
with any specific organization, philosophy, religion,
ideology, tradition or practice.
He prefers to allow a person the direct act
of meeting, hearing, feeling and seeing Angels
and many other unconditional love figures.
Michael connects with you energetically
to assist in your opening and often gets sleepy afterwards.
Mankind is ready for more Awareness and Compassion
by All for All and a little less Thinking.
This means more kindness, gentleness and love right right now.
A Whisk service is a direct, personal experience
for which you must allow and take action.
Michael André Ford is the guide only,
pointing the way to these experiences.
He promises and guarantees no outcomes.
The results generated are created through your efforts only,
with the help and assistance of Angels, Guides, the Universe ...
Anyone can speak with, feel & see Angels.
Be still, Ask & Listen. It's that easy.
Intention, Being Still & Openness are the
essential ingredients for Listening to Angels.
Like anything else, Listening itself is a choice.
You have Free Will.
Michael cannot take any of your steps for you.
You must own everything directly.
If there's a refund to be issued, the PayPal transaction fee
will usually be deducted from the amount being refunded.
This policy has yet to be implemented ever in over a decade,
but Michael does reserve the right to end a session at anytime
and refund your entire payment minus the PayPal transaction fee.
This is entirely at his discretion.
For example, if a person in a 3-hour session is still just opening up 2 hours in,
Michael reserves the right to stop the session and issue a refund.
Likewise, in a session, if Michael is lighting/ re-lighting sage
for 18 minutes straight because a client cannot sit still or stop talking,
he may halt the session and issue a refund.
As a fun aside, once that sage gets lit, this little warmup exercise takes
only a few minutes to experience. It's super special.
Catch the scent of lit sage via 2 screens wherever you are in the world.
Bottom line?
A big delay of any sort usually indicates that some Thinking is going on.
We all do lots of Thinking. It happens.
In rare cases of too much, it's best to halt a session and do a refund.
Michael reserves this right to do so anytime, completely at his discretion.
Thank you for your appreciation and understanding in advance.