Here's a 5/31/24 testimonial (7 min 16 secs) from Karen Wyatt, MD.
She's a show host, bestselling author, speaker & retired doctor.
With her permission & encouragement, this clip comes from
Karen's guest appearance on the "Angels, Positivity & Love" Show.
She's the Episode 110 guest on 8/30/24.
She received 2 sessions over 2 days without providing any details
to Michael. He also didn't see her questions or answers.
In fact, Michael did not know about her medical condition
until the session's end when she volunteered the info.
As you'll see, Michael learned more here during the taping.
Karen termed it "Divine Healing."
In this video, she shares a guardian angel encounter, how she reunited
with that Angel in our session and quite a bit more.
It's all very beautiful and very gentle. Enjoy!
A 9/27/23 testimonial (1 min) from Australian Katrina Collins.
She's the founder of Butterfly Media, a digital marketing & advertising agency.
A wonderful 3/20/23 testimonial (2 min 38 secs) from Healer Amy Stark.
She's the host of the "Stark Transformation Show."
A 3/31/22 testimonial (2 min) from ATX's Skip Kelly on his January session.
Skip's a multi-talented guy and hosts "The Wonderful Show" podcast.
A 11/9/22 testimonial (1 min) from Mike Baliman in England.
Mike's background is incredible in the business world and regarding spirituality.
Both he and a close loved-one have each done two sessions,
and then both have heard, felt and seen together jointly. Exciting!
He has also penned a testimonial for Michael and a book review.
More about his extensive background can be found there.
Mindfulness coach Paul Sugar provides a 2nd testimonial on April 27, 2022
(87 secs) from Sunrise Mountain near the Four Peaks in Scottsdale, AZ.
Paul's the founder of the Scottsdale Institute for Health and
Medicine Center for Mindfulness (located on E. Geronimo Road).
Paul has spent a lot of time with Michael and
done so with graceful calm and lots of laughter.
He has a 50-year well-established background in meditation & mindfulness
(e.g., has taught at Omega Institute) and you couldn't ask for a better instructor.
His website is: https://www.stressbeaters.com
A 2/22/22 testimonial (1:30) from Buddhist Chaplain Mark Shimada in Prague
on his January session with Michael.
Mark is also an artist, coach, speaker & consultant.
American Tera Maxwell, Ph.D. is a Costa Rica-based mindset/ affluence coach
as well as a spiritual healer who provided this Spring 2022 testimonial (52 sec).
Her website is: https://www.teramaxwell.com
A 10/14/21 testimonial (1:20 min) from Healer, Author &
Podcast/ Radio Host Paula Vail in Tacoma, Washington.
Her award-winning book "Why Am I So Happy?"
Her "Elevating Your Life" show airs on NYC KMET 1490 AM & via Patreon.
Michael was her guest twice in 2021. Visit: https://www.wellnessinspired.com/
A 1/24/22 testimonial (3:21) from New York's Lily Sanders.
She's a coach, podcast host, award-winning author, expert guest on TV,
a former actress and more at: https://lilysanders.live/
Lisette in Sweden provides this 10/3/21 testimonial in English & Swedish (2 min).
She met Mother Teresa back in India in 1997 to adopt two infants
and then got to meet her again in 2021, plus tons of Angels, of course!
A 5/7/21 testimonial from Norway's Nicholas Ite (2 min) on a session with Michael.
A 7/12/21 testimonial (2:30 min) from Australia's Krystal Hille.
Teresa Bruni is a NC healer who provided this generous 8/5/21 testimonial (3:30). Her website is at https://www.teresabruni.com/meet-teresa/
A 8/5/21 testimonial (2 min) from St. Thomas's Vasi Therese Rose Lopez.
She does Divine energy work via Sri Kaleshwar (Indian healer, 1973 - 2012), and, like others, got to reunite with Sri Kaleshwar across the Veil (plus Angels!).
Website: https://www.saiaumcreations.com/about
San Antonio's Yessica Garza shares her 7/20/21 take on meeting Angels (2:30 min).
Paul Sugar is a 50-year meditation/ mindfulness expert & founder/ director of the Scottsdale Institute for Health & Medicine Center for Mindfulness (AZ).
He has taught at Omega Institute and participated in many conferences.
Here's his 7/4/21 testimonial (2:30). Website: https://www.stressbeaters.com/
A 7/16/21 testimonial (1:50) (after much bodyboarding at the beach) for Janet Miller. She's the podcast host of "Own Your Divine Light" with 22 guests appearing in Season 4. Michael's episode is in the media section.